Discord Bot

From UniFly Documentation
Discord Bot in use

To make our application unique we have implemented a discord bot that automatically updates based on connected users and air traffic controllers.

Invite the bot

How does it work?

Once you have added the bot to the server we communicate with our api's to give you the latest information about a pilot, hub, online activity, and logbook information!

Note: If commands are not showing the correct syntax as below please re-invite the bot to the discord, this can be done while the bot is connected, as this will re-sync the commands with discord servers.



<hub> - Optional field: choose the hub in the way it is in the client, don't include a hub for global!

[hub] - Required field!

Global Data

/flightboard <hub>

This shows an active flight tracker that allows you to see who is connected to a specific hub!

/flightlog <hub>

This shows the completed flights as and when they are complete.

/profilestats [nickname]

This shows the stats for a specific user.

/hubstat [hub]

This shows the current live active online pilots, descriptions and information about a hub.

/leaderboard [type] [period] <hub>

This shows a leaderboard acording to our flight logbook.

types: Number of Flights, Number of Hours, Distance Flown, All Time Average Landing Rate

period: Weekly, Monthly, Yearly, All Time.

Change Log

Version 2:

Complete re-write of code!

Version 1

  • Initial Installation